The Abingdon Rough Riders & TC Mortoring Guild Conclave

Conclave: ORIGIN late Middle English (denoting a private room): via French from Latin conclave ‘lockable room,’ from con- ‘with’ + clavis ‘key.’ noun - A private meeting. In the Roman Catholic Church the assembly of cardinals for the election of a pope. The meeting place for such an assembly.

So how do you to go from electing the pope to a bunch of folks in post war sport cars having a great time? Well the story is that one day a group from Los Angeles (the TC Motoring Guild) were out on a run in their TCs when they meet another group from San Francisco (the Abingdon Rough Riders) in their TCs. And as TC owners will do, they stopped, chatted about their cars and their club and at one point someone said that we should do this every year. That was in 1956, and in every year since the TC Motoring Guild of LA and the Abingdon Rough Riders from SF have been meeting half way between the two cities for a great three day weekend.

Generally occuring in the October time frame, look for announcements of the Conclave in the All Events Page. It is an event not to be missed!